Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm! Humming is a fun, silly way to sing and practice sounds.

You and your child
Ask your child if she wants to play a guessing song game with you.
Hum a familiar song to your child. Don’t be afraid to get silly with it too!
Have your child guess which song you are singing! You can also ask your child to start singing or dancing along with you once she figures out what song you are humming.
Say the title of the song out loud and praise your child for guessing the song.
Encourage your child to take a turn! Have her hum her own song that you have to guess.
Listening to rhythms and patterns in songs, in addition to the practice of making the sounds, are great skills for your child to practice. Plus, guessing games are always fun and engaging!
This activity helps your child develop language, cognitive, early math, social-emotional, and play skills.