Special Needs
Tags:Special Needs
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All children are born with strengths as well as challenges.
Behavioral Expectations and Supports for Children with Special Needs
When it comes to children with special needs, it’s important to know how to best support your child – especially when it involves behavior. Learn about and understand the behavioral expectations for children with special needs.
If your baby begins to show characteristics of a disability, you want to provide the best care for. your child’s needs. Here we help you explore the beginning stages of the process of getting your child any necessary evaluations and follow up support that may be necessary during the first five years of life.
How to Understand Developmental Milestones When Your Child has a DelayIt is important for parents to learn about and understand children’s developmental milestones. Some children may be diagnosed in their earliest years as having a developmental delay. If development delays are identified in your child, what can you expect next? Here you will find information about developmental milestones as well as developmental delays.
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Risk Factors and Early Warning Signs Knowing the early warning signs and risk factors for childhood disabilities and delays is key to getting the early help your child may need. Early intervention is proven to be effective in helping children with special needs – either to overcome delays or help set them up for future success.
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Learning Disability Services “Learning disabilities” is a broad term that covers a variety of learning challenges faced by both adults and children alike. Activities
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“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.”
O. Fred Donaldson
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