Prevent Toxic Stress to Give
Your Child a Stronger Start
Featured this month
How to Protect Your Child to Defend Against Toxic Stress
Growing up without a warm and supportive environment can have a lasting impact and lead to something called toxic stress. But as a parent, you can break the cycle for your child. By taking extra time to play, making an effort to stay patient, and showing your love often, you set your little one up for a life free from toxic stress.
First 5 California is dedicated to making sure every child in California gets the best start in life.
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Helping Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children Thrive Through Early Intervention and Accessible EnvironmentsHelping children develop language and communication skills early on is one of the most important ways caregivers can give their children a stronger start in life. California parents and caregivers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing can access a wealth of support and resources to help their children thrive.
How Early School Attendance Sets Children Up for Future SuccessThe first day of school can be a bittersweet moment for caregivers, especially when our children go off to preschool or transitional kindergarten (TK) for the very first time. It’s exciting to watch them grow and learn, and it can also be hard saying goodbye each day. But early school attendance benefits your child’s development in many ways and provides a strong foundation for future learning.
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