Little Kids Have Big Emotions
Teaching your child to stay calm sets them up for success.
There’s a lot going on in a little kid’s world. New experiences can bring up all kinds of emotions, and even tantrums. But that’s okay. By giving your child the skills they need to manage their feelings, you’ll help them now and down the road.
Practice Dragon Breathing to Create Calm
Young kids can get angry fast. Try doing this fun and simple breathing game together, to help everyone stay calm.
Kids pay attention to everything we do. One of the best ways to teach them about calmness is to practice dragon breathing in front of them and with them. In fact, you can begin doing this from the moment they’re born. It’s never too early, and it’s also never too late. Start practicing calmness in front of your child today.
Practice dragon breathing when you’re already calm.
Try dragon breathing when you’re angry or upset.
Remember, you can always put your child in a safe space and then leave the room for a moment until you calm down.
Big Feelings Start Early
As kids grow, they begin to recognize, name, and talk about their feelings. They can tell the difference between certain feelings, like sadness, anger, and fear. These feelings can get bottled up and come out as crying, screaming, or refusing to behave. By helping your child learn about their feelings, and how to manage them while they’re young, you can help give them a great start to a happier, healthier life.
By sharing with your child the tools to stay calm and in control, you help them emotionally and physically. Who doesn’t want a happy kid? It’s good for them, and it’s good for you! Try Dragon Breathing for yourself, and see how it calms you down.
We all want our kids to be prepared for school and whatever life brings them. But did you know that learning how to stay calm is a skill that can last them a lifetime? If they’re taught how to self-regulate early on, it’ll help them now and well into the future.
Better relationships as adults
Educational attainment and success
More satisfaction with life
Fewer health problems
Less chance of drug abuse
Better chance of financial success
When to Practice Calmness
When kids get angry, they need the right tools to control their emotions. Telling them to calm down when they’re already upset doesn’t help. Instead, talk to them when they’re ready to listen. If they stay calm, let them know you’re proud of them. Give them lots of praise! You might even want to do some deep breathing yourself. A calm parent can calm an upset child a lot faster.
At bedtime, name one upsetting feeling and one happy feeling you had that day, and talk about it using simple words. Then ask your child to try it. They’ll be talking about their feelings in no time!
If you’re practicing dragon breathing with your child, but they’re still struggling to handle their emotions, that’s okay. Some kids need different approaches. Find out what behavior is typical for each age and stage. And don’t forget, you can always check in with your child’s health care provider—they’re trained to help with these things.