Babies are curious and eager to explore the world around them. Find out what types of motor skills your baby may be developing at this stage.
Between three and 12 months, babies are busy learning – and mastering – many new skills! Here is what you can expect:
3-6 months
Rolls from side to side and/or rolls over
Begins to reach for things
Holds head unsupported
Pushes down on legs when on a hard surface
Sits up without support
Holds toy and shakes it
Brings hands to mouth
Pushes up to elbows when on his tummy
6-12 months
Pushes up on hands and knees, rocks back and forth, and eventually begins to crawl
Picks up and eats finger foods
Begins walking while holding on to furniture
Stands with support and may bounce to push on his feet
Pulls to stand
QUICK TIP: Gross and fine motor skills develop as your baby grows – and all children develop at their own rate. If you're concerned about your baby’s development, talk to your pediatrician or family doctor.