Preschoolers love to explore, learn new activities, and show off their budding skills! Find out what types of motor skills your child may be developing between the ages of three and five years.

3-4 years
Uses larger writing tools, like jumbo crayons or sidewalk chalk, and holds them in a writing position
Balances on one foot for a few seconds
Rides a tricycle or bicycle with training wheels (remember to use a helmet!)
Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step
Climbs easily
4-5 years
Skips and hops
Throws a ball overhand
Draws stick figures with a head, body, and legs
Catches a ball that is bounced or softly thrown to him
Feeds self with utensils
Pours water into cup
Swings and climbs
QUICK TIP: Gross and fine motor skills develop as your baby grows – and all children develop at their own rate. If you're concerned about your baby’s development, talk to your pediatrician or family doctor.