Preschoolers have a lot to say. But remember - language development includes more than just speaking words out loud. Find out what to look for in terms of overall language development for your preschool-aged child.

Language includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As your child is in preschool and preparing to entering Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten, her language development involves much more than spoken words. Here is what to look for at this age.
Speaking in three to eight-word sentences; mostly understood by others
Knowing and saying 900 or more words
Asking lots of questions
Following two- to three-step directions
Knowing own name
Using pronouns like I, she, he
Using plurals correctly most of the time
Telling stories
Using “no” and negatives correctly
Writing letters and own name (with help)
Saying name (first and last) and home address
Using past and future tense correctly
Recognizing at least some letters
Listening to a brief story and retelling it correctly
Singing songs from memory
Engaging in conversation with others.
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QUICK TIP: Remember that every preschooler is unique and may develops at different rates. If you're concerned about your child's development in any way, talk to your pediatrician or family doctor